Sudbury Ontario. 0 km.
“The difference between insanity and genius is measured only by success.”
—Masashi Kishimoto
prepare for the journey that lay ahead I donated most of my stuff to the local
thrift shop. Deep down inside I was aware that the memories my simple
possessions triggered would be gone forever. After two weeks of clearing my
stuff out I was left with only what I could fit into my backpack.
The evening before my departure my friends came
over to say goodbye and the mood was sombre. We talked about where the road might
take me and the misadventures that could happen along the way. A few even tried
to talk me out of it, but my mind was already made up. I promised that one day
I would return.
I went to bed in my empty room and nostalgia
took over my thoughts. I felt alone in there, aware that only a few days earlier
it had been the most comfortable place in my world. Now the space was almost
entirely empty and my only possessions were my backpack and guitar. I couldn’t
sleep. Instead my mind raced with all the scenarios I would inevitably face on
the road. Could Ryan and I actually get all the way across Canada? Would we be
safe? Was this actually a really bad idea? It was hard to imagine finding
happiness on the road. A life with no home seemed almost unfathomable.
On the morning of our departure I got out of
bed, scared of what lay ahead. The cool morning air was ominous and uninviting.
I couldn’t explain even to myself why I was going that day.
Chapter 4 will be posted next week, or click on the book to read more.
Top Photo By Andrew Neel